Project Title: The Pacific Regional Oceanscape
Program – Economic Resilience (RMI PROPER)
Source of Funding: World Bank Grant No. IDA-E1650
Contract Ref: Mh-MIMRA-461250-CS-INDV.
Contract Name: Coastal Fisheries Data Analyst
The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Project for Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program for Economic Resilience (PROPER) and in...
The 21st Session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
The signing, led by Hon. Anthony M. Muller of RMI and Hon. Steven Victor of Palau, took place during the WCPFC21 sessions in Suva, Fiji. Forum Fisheries Committee Chair Ms. Erana Aliklik highlighted this milestone as a testament to t...
Request for Quotation for Rehabilitation Works of Fish Base, Hatchery and Market Facilities
Source of Funding: World Bank Grant No. P17854
Contract Ref: MH-MIMRA-392837-CW-RFQ
Contract Name: - Rehabilitation Works for Fish bases and Fish Market
1. This project is financed by the World Bank through the above grant. The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority invites sealed quotations from eligible bidders for the rehabilitation works of fish base, hatchery and market facilit...
Expression of Interest: Concept Design for Micronesia Atoll Research Station (MARS) Consultant
Source of Funding: World Bank Grant No. IDA-E1650
Contract Ref: MH-MIMRA-431347-CS-INDV
Contract Name: - Concept Design for Micronesia Atoll Research Station (MARS) Consultant
The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Project for Pacific Regional Oceanscape Program for Economic Resilience (PROPER) and intends to apply part of the pr...
Job Opportunity: GIS Specialist
Agency: Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority
Duration: 2 Years Contract & extension based on work performances
The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) is looking for a dynamic and experienced individual to join its team. We are looking for one (1) GIS Specialist.
Purpose: The Geographic Information System or GIS Specialist must demonstrate adequate knowledge with data and process modeling. Under direct supervision of the Chief of Coastal Fisheries, he...