- Coastal & Community Affairs
- Oceanic & Industrial Affairs
- Finance & Corporate Affairs
- Legal Division
- Competent Authority
The Coastal Fisheries Division deals with the development and management of community-based projects that provide benefits to the people in the community. It is required to coordinate and consult with traditional leaders and local government councils during planning and development stages of the projects. Furthermore, the Division coordinates and advises local communities with respect to the development of sustainable management plans for coastal fisheries resources. Go to page >>
The Oceanic and Industrial Affairs Division manages and regulates the commercial tuna fishery in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) waters, as mandated under Title 51 of the Marshall Island Revised Code (MIRC). The fishery comprises purse seine, longline, and pole and line vessels fishing under various bilateral and multilateral access agreements. Further, purse seine and longline vessels operators purchase fishing days allocated annually to the RMI under the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Vessel Day Scheme (VDS). As such, the Division administers issuance of fishing licenses pursuant to fishing access agreements negotiated between the Authority and fishing industry partners. Licensed carrier and bunker vessels also operate in support of the fishery. Go to page >> Go to Port Entry page>>
The Finance Division oversees all transactions and revenues from MIMRA’s various fisheries activities that involved funds and/or money(s) in payment for Fishing Days (Vessel Day Scheme), Fishing Rights, and Boat Licenses (may it either Purse Seiners or Longlines) and Transshipments. Any other finance activities are monitored and recorded to the last centavo. The Finance Division is also responsible in maintaining appropriate financial records and supporting documentation of all transactions to meet external audit requirements. As for the daily activity(s) of the Finance/Accounting personnel, processing of check for payment various vendors is number one; invoicing for all fisheries activities as mentioned above; collection activities; reconciliation of accounts (bank recon specifically is done monthly); cash flow analysis is done every now and then to monitor cash flows (could be incoming and outgoing). Monitoring and quarterly fiscal resource analysis (as need be) are maintained to uphold financial transparency within MIMRA. Go to page >>
The legal division handles legal advice to the Board and Management of MIMRA regarding fisheries legal issues at the national, sub-regional, regional and international forums. The legal division proffers legal services to both Coastal and Oceanic Divisions. For the Oceanic and Industrial Affairs Division, the legal division is tasked to review national fisheries laws that may require review against regional and sub-regional measures that are binding on the RMI as a member of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Parties to the Nauru Agreement and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In addition to this obligation, the legal division assists MIMRA in legal representation in court for prosecution against fishing vessels or companies alleged to have committed unlawful acts against the national laws and regulations of the RMI in terms of fisheries cases (e.g. IUU, Contravention of Condition of Fishing License, Observer Obstruction, Misreporting, and so forth). For the past four (4) years, most cases have been settled out of court by way of summary proceedings which is accorded under the Fisheries Enforcement Act. Go to page >>
The mission of the Competent Authority is to provide regulatory framework that ensures adequate industry compliance for safe fish production, import and export; conduct inspections of fish business operators, landing sites and fishing vessel and issues health certification;Assess and recommend laboratories for product testing and provide up-to-date import and export market information; Work with relevant government stake holders with similar interest through administrative arrangements in a collaborative approach on food safety related matters nationally and globally; Pursue equivalent standards for fish production in RMI with the intent to trade safe fish products in the domestic and the international market. Go to page >>
The Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) is a regional program supported by the World Bank in the Marshall Islands. The development objective of the Project is to strengthen the management of selected Pacific Islands oceanic and coast fisheries, and the critical habitats upon which they depend, as the basis for sustainable and increased economic benefits from this resource. With a successful closure of PROP, MIMRA foresee the capability for continuity to build on the achievements under the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (PROP) Phase I to a Phase II for economic resilience. Go to page >>
The RMI Protected Areas Network Mission: To secure and enable mobilization of resources in support of the establishment and management of a network of protected areas in the RMI. The Micronesia Challenge was a commitment by the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands to preserve the natural resources that are crucial to the survival of Pacific traditions, cultures and livelihoods. The overall goal of the Challenge was to effectively conserve at least 30% of the near-shore marine resources and 20% of the terrestrial resources across Micronesia by 2020. Building on the successes and accomplishments of the MC, the Micronesian Leaders have affirmed their commitment to a new Micronesia Challenge 2030 - a collective approach to effectively manage at least 50% of marine resources and 30% of terrestrial resources across the region, among other targets that are aligned with jurisdictional priorities and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. Go to page >>
PROPER: Grievance Redress Mechanism
Bianca Manoni
Environment & Safeguards Officer
Pacific Regional Oceanscape Project - Economic Resilience
Email: bmanoni(at)mimra.com
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- Electronic Licensing Registration (ELR)
- Satlink FAD Location
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- IUU Fishing Index
- Oceanic Fisheries Program Member Countries
- Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)
- Pacific Islands Ocean Fisheries Management
- Parties of the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
- RMI Parliament
- The Pacific Community (SPC)
- Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
- RMI National Disaster Management Office
- SPC's Capacity Building in the Pacific Region
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P.O. Box 860, Delap Village, Majuro, MH, 96960