RMI Protected Areas Network

What is the RMI PAN?
PAN Mission: To secure and enable mobilization of resources in support of the establishment and management of a network of protected areas in the RMI.
Kōttōpar Eo an PAN: N̄an loloorjake m̗akūtkūt in jeraam̗m̗an ak jipan̄ ko n̄an ejaak im lale jikin kōjparok ko ipel̗aakin Aelōn̄ Kein

The Micronesia Challenge was a commitment by the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands to preserve the natural resources that are crucial to the survival of Pacific traditions, cultures and livelihoods. The overall goal of the Challenge was to effectively conserve at least 30% of the near-shore marine resources and 20% of the terrestrial resources across Micronesia by 2020. Building on the successes and accomplishments of the MC, the Micronesian Leaders have affirmed their commitment to a new Micronesia Challenge 2030 - a collective approach to effectively manage at least 50% of marine resources and 30% of terrestrial resources across the region, among other targets that are aligned with jurisdictional priorities and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
Given the specific needs and unique circumstances of our atoll communities, the Marshall Islands has been working diligently to achieve regional and international targets and link community efforts through the Reimaanlok National Conservation Area Plan 2008. Under the Reimaanlok process, the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) works closely with local governments and communities to facilitate the development of resource management plans, under which communities become responsible for managing their own natural resources. This current mechanism is a prime example of government/community collaboration, providing a unique bottom-up planning process where scientific and socio-economic data including traditional knowledge form the backbone for discussions on mutually supportive resource management strategies. MIMRA is supported by partner agencies in the Coastal Management Advisory Council (also known as CMAC) in the Reimaanlok, which is now paired with the RMI’s Protected Areas Network (PAN).

In support of the growing number of protected areas as a result of Reimaanlok efforts, the Protected Areas Network (PAN) Act 2015 was enacted to establish a national system of protected areas, a PAN Office to implement the PAN Act, and a sustainable funding mechanism to support the network of protected sites. The PAN (Amendment) Act 2018 was enacted to allow PAN oversight by the MIMRA Board as the PAN Board; to insert Type IV – Traditional Mo to provide distinct value for traditionally protected areas; and to formalize CMAC as the advisory and technical arm for the PAN. The PAN Regulations 2020 supports the PAN implementation by allowing an avenue for the PAN Office to receive and disburse funding to protected areas, and provides the legal framework for the process of nominating areas for protection.
The Reimaanlok is underscored as the primary mechanism to attain PAN support and the focal areas to be assessed for funding or technical support from the PAN Office are as follows:
(a) Protected areas - the creation, monitoring, management, or enforcement of marine and terrestrial protected areas;
(b) Associated sustainable livelihoods – the development of new and alternative livelihoods for communities living in the proximity of protected areas;
(c) Capacity building - the training of resource management personnel, conservation officers, fishermen, aqua culturists, or others; and
(d) Education and awareness – educational and awareness-raising programs for community members or students for issues related to resource management or conservation.

If you are interested in registering a location or area under the RMI Protected Areas Network to receive funding / technical support, please fill out the PAN Application Form.
PAN Documents |
For further details, contact:
Alicia Edwards
RMI Protected Areas Network Coordinator
RMI Protected Areas Network Coordinator
Christine V. Reimers
RMI PAN Administrative Officer
RMI PAN Administrative Officer